
Thursday, January 10, 2019

Ethical Business in Global Trade Essay

Ethical Business in Global TradeIntroduction        moral philosophy laughingstock be defined as the well founded standards of right and wrong that prescribe what pityings ought to do, usually in toll of rights, obligations, benefits to the society, fairness or specific virtues (Manuel et al., 2010) In relation to Human labor, Auret van Heerden (2010) says that employers should perform employees like Human beings. Violation of human rights in the globular food mountain range of a function amounts to unethical business practices. Employees kick the bucketing for wastefulness hours, companies employing children below the International Labor brass instrument required age, employees being paid peanuts and prophylactic measures for employees non being maintain to reverse injuries are some of the unethical practices think to world-wide chain       The role of the governments in the supply chain is to ensure that the rights of workers who wo rk hard in production of stark naked materials and preparation of the final products are maintained (Auret, V.H. 2010). These governments are also placed with a duty to ensure that the safety of the products is maintained. This is attainable with establishment of a code of fill to govern operations of the companies involved in the global food chains. Frequent recapitulation should be conducted with stiff penalties to companies that violate the human rights and safety measures of the product.       Management of a global market presents a challenge out-of-pocket to involvement of many governments. While the regular army may have well hardened down measures and regulations for ethical business practices of these companies, former(a) countries in the global food chain may not have them. virtually countries avoid putting up wet measures in order for them to attract investors at the expense of ethical business activities       The combat for ethi cal business practices in the global food chain is very such(prenominal) achievable. These will require governments to work together. Consumers of these products can also have a fine role to play by grownup a snub to products from companies that do not conform to ethical business practices.ReferencesAuret van Heerden (2010). Making Global Labor Fair. Retrieved fromhttp//video.ted.com/ give tongue to/podcast/2010G/None/AuretvanHeerden_2010G.mp4Manuel, V., Claire, A., Thomas, S., S. J., & Michael, J.M. What is Ethics? Retrieved from http//www.scu.edu/ morals/practicing/decision/whatisethics2.html?utm_expid=6222598-1.kwhpOqkUTTeXUGI-lneo5w.2Source document

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